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Bangladesh’s Ifty becomes 1st runner-up at IEEE R10-HTC 2024 Innovation Challenge

Project AgriSage Tech by Rashedul Arefin Ifty from Bangladesh secured the 1st runner-up position at the 12th IEEE Region 10 (Asia-Pacific Region) – Humanitarian Technology Conference 2024 Innovation Challenge held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on October 1. This innovation challenge is a project-based competition designed for IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – students all over the Asia-Pacific region to share their ideas empowering humans with sustainable growth and development. 
Rashedul Arefin Ifty, a student of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC), was the sole participant from Bangladesh who advanced through the finals as one of the top three finalists from more than 500 applicants and over 75 accepted projects from all over the ten IEEE Asia-Pacific regions. His AgriSage Tech empowers farmers with weather prediction capabilities, assists in determining proper land use for crop cultivation, and helps predict appropriate harvest periods through a mobile app. 
The app combines machine learning algorithms to predict weather and is one of the first of its kind to use machine learning technology in agriculture. The project is still a prototype and when completed, it will provide farmers with technology to plan their crop cultivation according to the weather. Drastic changes in weather can also be easily predicted and preventive measures can be taken accordingly before natural calamities.
Suborno Barua is the Campus Ambassador for The Daily Star from International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC).
